When DIY Projects Are Not Worth It

Smart homeowners like you know you can save money if you tackle some projects on your own. But at what point should you decide to throw in the hammer and call for help? Let’s discuss some signs that you should decide to hire professionals over DIY.
When to Go with Professionals Over DIY
The best quality of a homeowner is knowing when to ask for help. If you are working months and months on a DIY project on nights and weekends, hoping that one day your house can be construction-free, it’s time to reevaluate. What are you bending over backward to achieve and at what cost?
Consider the times that it makes sense to call for reinforcements.
Takes Too Much Time: A professional could get a job done in 4 hours that you could potentially work on for 4 months. Think about the money you save and if it’s actually worth your time. Your valuable free time can be better spent when you hire someone who can work more efficiently because of their expertise and manpower.
You Do Not Have the Right Tools: Oftentimes, buying all of the tools for a project can add up to much more than it takes to hire a professional for a one-off job. You invest in paint brushes, drop cloths, rollers, painter’s tape, etc., just to use it one time and never use it all again.
Safety Is At Risk: Is it wise to risk your life to save a few extra dollars? Hire professional painters when you need to paint your home’s exterior, a room with vaulted ceilings, or a high-rise building. You will breathe a sigh of relief knowing that the proper equipment and safety measures are practiced to complete your painting project.
DIY Is Ultimately More Expensive: If you calculate your valuable time, the money for supplies, safety equipment, hauling away services, etc., the costs can really add up. Maybe you would save money to hire a team to take care of your painting project in one afternoon rather than dragging it on to save a few dollars.
Careful planning and honesty with yourself will help you determine whether it is smart to hire a professional for your so-called DIY project. There’s no shame in getting things done right the first time.
Is it time to ask for help in the execution of your DIY project? Whether you have commercial or residential painting needs, Vivify Painting can help. Contact us to get started with our trusting painting service: (951) 775-7522.